Saturday, March 28, 2020

Seedling Growth

Seedlings Growth

Hello Friends,
You will need to watch and care for your young seedling as they are growing under your grow light. You should be checking the growth and moisture level of the plants. You just need enough water in the seedling trays to moisten the soil. If you over water, or let your plants sit in water your young seedling will bend over and die!
This is called root rot, caused by an excessive amount of water which tends to smother the root ball so that not enough air is available for could aeration of the soil.
As your plants are growing they will start to grow leaves and the stem will start to thicken . Once you have about 4 to 6 true leaves on you plants they will soon need to be transplanted out of the seedling trays and into a pot of your choice. I personally use what are called air pots. These pots are made out of fabric and as your roots spread and hit the inside wall of the pot they start to send out more lateral roots . This is called air pruning.
One key thing to remember is pick a pot size that is right for the size of your plant. Too large of a size will retain too much water and can cause your plants roots to suffer. You can always transplant to a larger pot as your plant grows.

Organic Vegetable Gardener

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